Not sure if you guys have heard of this yet or not, but I was talking to Lauren Mechling and she had some big news! You might recognize her as the author of the Dream Girl
/Dream Life
series and she co-wrote the 10th Grade Social Climber
series. Well she has a cool new project going on that I am definitely going to have to check out. I loved Dream Girl (going to read Dream Life very soon!) so I am sure My Darklyng will not disappoint!
This is what Lauren has to say about it:
I'm co-writing a serialized teen novel called My Darklyng that will be running all summer long on the web site Slate. It will publish on Fridays, starting Memorial Day weekend. my Darklyng is a thriller about a girl who's obsessed with a vampire series and who ends up becoming friends with the gorgeous model on the cover of every book in the series. You can follow the characters on Twitter for now, and soon there will be a Facebook page for the main character, so you can follow the creepy things that are happening in her life in real time. Here are the Twitter pages--they're really fun so far.
@eternalnat (main character)@mydarklyng (the vampire author)@thejameskay (the model).
Doesn't that sound like fun?! Check it out, I will let you guys know more as I know it!