Saturday, April 10, 2010

100 Followers Contest Update!

Well the Wicked Bunny and come and gone and left me with an additional 98 followers! Yippee!  That means 2 more winners (one for 150 and one for 200 because I am thinking optimistically!) get to pick a book each and I am adding some more to the pile to chose from!  Here are all the books for the contest to date:

Sun and Moon, Ice and SnowDeadly Little Lies (Touch, Book 2)Deadly Little Secret (A Touch Novel)Cracked Up to BeThe Geek Girl's Guide to CheerleadingThe Seven RaysThe Iron King (Harlequin Teen)RavenWherever Nina Lies

And ARC's of the following books:

The Secret YearThe Anatomy of WingsNumbers

So far we have Winner 1 picking 2 books, Winner 2 picking 2 books, Winner 3 picking 1 book, and Winner 4 picking 1 book.

Contest ends Friday, April 16th at 9 pm CST, so go HERE for the contest details!

1 comment:

Jake Kirk said...

Congrats on all the followers!

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